Indas is located at 23°09′00″N 87°37′00″E.
Indas community development block has an area of 255.10 km2.
Gram panchayats of Indas block/ panchayat samiti are: Akui I, Akui II, Amrul, Dighalgram, Indus I, Indus II, Karisunda, Mangalpur, Rol and Sahaspur.
As per 2001 census, Indas block had a total population of 152,829, out of which 78,324 were males and 74,505 were females. Indas block registered a population growth of 15.48 per cent during the 1991-2001 decade. Decadal growth for the district was 15.15 per cent.Decadal growth in West Bengal was 17.84 per cent.